332,789 / 435,610102,821 to level
Player is currently inactive
Attack | 8,292 | Defence | 5,151 |
HP | 25,351 | Speed | 165,431 |
Accuracy | 89.13% | Block | 5.53% |
Crit Strike | 5.00% | Crit Resist | 5.53% |
Income/hr | 18,977 Cr | Turns/hr | 640 |
Exp/hr | 76 |
Game Mastery
(n.) The evil deity, the author of all calamities and mischief, answering to the African of the Persians
- Experience 17,612,789
- Growth Today 0
- Link Clicks Today 0
- Followers 3
- Commander lauranakor
Available117 Cr
Banked136,150 Cr